Our Services

To become the premier provider of top-tier occupational health services providers in Egypt, setting the standard for excellence in our industry.
Our distinctive quality lies in our unwavering commitment to treating your business as if it were our own. We are on a mission to ensure the safety, health, and ultimate happiness of both you and your valued employees. No matter how trivial your request may seem, we handle every inquiry with utmost attention to detail.
To emerge as the foremost provider of exceptional occupational health services in Egypt, setting the standard for quality and excellence in our field.

Mental-Wellbeing Program

Employers providing mental health benefits have an advantage with lower rates of burnout, workplace injuries, and violence. Prioritizing mental health creates a culture that supports resilience and wellness, benefiting individual employees and promoting a positive, productive work environment. Include

Know your Number Program

Manage your way to a healthier you by knowing your numbers Measuring is key to improving health outcomes. Understanding your population’s health risk is critical in preventing illnesses. Use your numbers to work with your doctor in creating a personalized plan to adjust your diet, exercise regimen, and medications. These numbers can also help you discuss any health risks with your doctor.

Healthy Eating Program

Encourage healthy lifestyles and a safe workplace. A healthy eating program is a crucial step. Create a work environment that supports healthy eating using these tools. Onsite Nutritionist Physician Our onsite nutritionist physicians act as health coaches, helping employees understand the importance of nutrition and achieve a well-rounded diet tailored to their individual needs. Personalized Meal Plan Healthy and customized meals, based on assessments by a nutritionist, are delivered to employees’ locations. Healthy Breakfast Meal Gift Surprise your employees with healthy breakfast gift baskets to encourage healthy eating habits and boost morale in the workplace, as recommended by our nutritionist.

Quit Smoking Program

As an employer, promoting the health and well-being of your workforce is a top priority. Implementing a smoking cessation challenge can be an effective strategy to tackle a significant health issue while potentially reducing healthcare expenses. Though smoking is a personal choice, offering employees the opportunity to participate in a cessation challenge can provide the motivation they need to kick the habit for good. Occuo Health, we offer a specialized Quit Smoking program with the following pillars:

Ergonomics Program

Scope : Ergonomic program aims to reduce musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and associated workers' compensation claims while enhancing productivity, quality, and efficiency. By applying ergonomic principles to the workplace, the program addresses the scope of MSD-related issues.

Checkup Program

Implementing a checkup program can greatly benefit employees by promoting health and wellness. Regular checkups can help detect and prevent health issues, leading to a happier and more productive workforce. By prioritizing employee health, companies can also reduce healthcare costs and improve overall business outcomes.

Site Basic life support and advanced life support programs

Our comprehensive corporate health program offers a range of services to ensure the safety and well-being of employees, including : Site health risk assessments First aid training through ERC qualification Site emergency planning The provision of BLS & ALS equipment and ambulance sponsorship. Crisis management plans, including pandemic response plans and business continuity planning tailored to the specific needs of your site

Occupational infections management program

Manage your way to a healthier you by knowing your numbers Measuring is key to improving health outcomes. Understanding your population’s health risk is critical in preventing illnesses. Use your numbers to work with your doctor in creating a personalized plan to adjust your diet, exercise regimen, and medications. These numbers can also help you discuss any health risks with your doctor.

Medical qualification and Monitoring program

Refining roles and responsibilities, conducting hazard assessments, implementing medical surveillance and removal programs, documenting all procedures and evaluating program effectiveness are critical components of a comprehensive medical qualification and monitoring program. Examples of such programs include pre-employment and pre-placement medical examinations, biological monitoring, health effects monitoring, investigation of occupational diseases and poisonings, and workplace inspections. Specific job roles that require medical qualification and monitoring programs include confined space workers, height operators, emergency responders, firefighters, food handlers, forklift and buggy operators, scaffolder and rigger operators, tunneling workers, steel erector and structural fabricators, and those working in high noise areas. These roles should be identified through occupational health risk assessments

Creating and Enhancing Critical Systems at the Site:

Implementing effective Change Management and Chemical Management Systems Establishing Environmental Management Systems for sustainability and protection of the surrounding environment Developing and improving Fire Fighting Management Systems to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment in case of fire Implementing Incident Management Systems to respond promptly and effectively to any unexpected events.

Outsourcing Medical Staff Services:

Specialist and consultant doctors
Nurses and assistant nurses
Medical administrators
Ambulance drivers

Training Courses

The Big Picture of Mental Health: Understanding Mental Health
Resilience Building Techniques
Focusing on Wellbeing
It Started with a Spliff Managing Drugs and Alcohol
Getting the Most Out of Occupational Health
Emergency Response First Aid Training Evacuation Procedures

Employee assistance program ...